PPG resources

Working with practices, PPGs and the PPG Network, we are building a library of tools and resources to help groups across the city.

The following resources can support people in their Patient Participation Groups (PPGs):

PPG Toolkit

We’ve worked with PPG members, primary care staff, and Primary Care Networks (PCNs) to create a PPG Toolkit.

The toolkit is a collection of resources, hints, and tips for GP practices and their PPGs. It is a freely available digital resource with a number of templates that can be tailored to each practice. We have made these templates available below as Word documents so you can customise them to suit your practice.

If you have any feedback or suggestions for a future version of the toolkit, please get in touch on 0113 221 7777 or email [email protected]

PPG Toolkit (920KB)

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Please note the resources below are templates and can be updated and adapted to suit the needs of your PPG. THey are all Microsoft Word documents so you can add your practice logo and make amends as necessary.

  • “Join a PPG” poster – a template you can use to promote your PPG in your practice reception area or wherever you can display posters.
  • PPG Terms of Reference – a template to give PPGs a guide as to what their scope and limitations are.
  • Ground rules – an example of ground rules that can be used within a PPG, more can be added as needed.
  • Meeting agenda – an example of an agenda for a PPG meeting.
  • First meeting agenda – an example of an agenda for your first meeting as a PPG.
  • Data protection agreement – a template that can be used to help members understand how you will contact them for PPG related business.
  • Attendee Register – a blank template so you can log attendees at your meetings.
  • Code of Conduct – a template you may want to use in your PPG for what is expected of its members.
  • How are we doing checklist – this document allows PPGs to rate how effective their group is being and what they could do to improve.
  • Action plan – a template that PPGs can use to log their ongoing actions.
  • Anonymous feedback form – use this template to capture any feedback you’ve collected from your patients, theme and analyse them.
  • Induction pack – a template of information you can give to new members of your PPG when they join.
  • Glossary of terms – some definitions of commonly used terms in health and care (certainly not an exhaustive list).
  • What is a Patient Participation Group? – a printable handout of the section from the main PPG Toolkit that can be used to share with new members or potential members.

Useful Links

The following links may be of interest for ideas, tools or resources:

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