The Any Qualified Provider scheme is a way of commissioning specified services so that patients can choose from list of providers that have successfully applied to take NHS referrals.
The CCG is responsible for buying services to meet the health needs of the local population. This includes commissioning (buying) services from hospitals, community services and independent sector companies known as providers.
Below is a list of all services commissioned by the CCG and the name of providers:
Consultant-led dermatology and basal cell carcinoma(145KB)
In order to view PDF documents you will need Adobe PDF ReaderDiagnostic imaging MRI locations(143KB) Non obsterics ultrasound(149KB) Gastroenterology / diagnostic endoscopy(142KB) Vasectomy(146KB) Consultant-led ophthalmology(143KB) Consultant-led ear nose & throat with adult hearing loss(142KB) Consultant-led ear nose & throat ENT(141KB) Chronic pain(141KB) Minor surgery(144KB)