Community and voluntary

Often referred to as 'the third sector', community and voluntary services provide important health and care services in Leeds and also give us an opportunity to engage with groups who are sometimes referred to as 'seldom heard'.

The Leeds Health and Care Partnership is committed to working in partnership with the hundreds of third sector organisations who add value to the lives of the people in Leeds. By working with these groups to understand what the people of Leeds need we hope to achieve our shared vision for the city.

Forum Central is a key partner working as part of the Leeds Health and Care Partnership and represents many of the third sector organisations in Leeds.

Forum Central

We act as a voice for Leeds’ third sector in health and care. Our vision is for a better quality of life for people in Leeds. We are a member-based network and work with third sector organisations to link the fantastic work happening across the city with that of other organisations and strategic developments happening in health and social care.

We promote and support partnership working across the city and provide information for and about the third sector. We do this through our specialist networks including: communities of interest, learning disabilities, men’s health, mental health, older people, and physical and sensory impairment.

We support the third sector in Leeds in current and developing health and care structures, including local care partnerships (LCPs) and the Leeds Health and Care Partnership.

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