NHS services this Easter

Ahead of the four-day Easter weekend (Friday 7 – Monday 10 April), the NHS in Leeds is reminding people to check they have enough medication and to order repeat prescriptions in plenty of time.

Although a number of pharmacy and GP services will be available over the bank holidays, many will be closed or have different opening times, so people are being asked to check that they, or people they care for, have enough medication.

Allowing enough time is essential for ordering and the collection of supplies. This is especially important this year, as planned industrial action by junior doctors from Tuesday 11 to Saturday 15 April will also affect GP and pharmacy services, as well as hospitals.

For more information about GP practice and pharmacy opening hours over the Easter weekend, please visit www.healthandcareleeds.org/health/bank-holiday/

Dr Jason Broch, Clinical Director at the Leeds office of the NHS West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board, said: “As with any other time of the year, people can and will become unwell over the bank holiday weekend. People can manage some minor illnesses and ailments safely at home, so keeping a well-stocked medicine cabinet is a good idea.

GP appointments are available, but it may be at a nearby surgery rather than your GP practice. To book an appointment, ring your usual GP surgery or contact NHS 111 to access the out-of-hours service.

Emergency Departments at hospitals are for life-threatening and serious illness or injuries only. Care for these conditions will be prioritised, so for anything else it may be quicker for you to go to an urgent treatment centre or call 111 / visit NHS111 online. It’s free and they can give you urgent advice, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Please remember you should only call 999 in a life-threatening emergency. This includes choking, chest pain, blackout, severe bleeding, a serious injury, or symptoms of a stroke.

Dr Jason Broch concluded: “Health and care staff across the city are always working together to provide vital services for people in Leeds and we’re reminding people to choose the right service to meet their needs.”

As at all times of the year, help and support is available for mental health, as well as physical health, for anyone who needs it:

  • West Yorkshire mental health support line is a free service providing confidential support, advice, information and guidance for anyone concerned about their mental health or someone they care for. Anyone registered with a Leeds GP can call the helpline on 0800 183 0558. The service is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  • MindWell is the mental health website for people in Leeds. MindWell provides advice about looking after your mental health, as well as where to go if you or someone you know needs support. Visit: mindwell-leeds.org.uk.
  • Leeds Mental Wellbeing Service is for anyone aged 17+ registered with a Leeds GP and provides support and psychological therapies for common mental health problems such as anxiety and depression. The service also provides online therapy courses and self-management tools which are available at any time day and night to help with a wide range of issues including stress and anxiety, mindfulness, depression and bereavement. Help is available immediately through online courses at https://leeds.omnitherapy.org/
  • If you prefer talking therapies, you can also refer yourself through the website: leedsmentalwellbeingservice.co.uk
  • Children and young people can visit the MindMate website for information and support about their emotional health and wellbeing: mindmate.org.uk
  • The NHS Every Mind Matters website also includes a wide range of resources to help with anxiety, low mood and stress.
  • If you’re struggling with your mental health, the NHS is here for you. Find out what support is available on our new mental health hub: uk/mentalhealth

Support for people in crisis is also available:

  • Connect – a survivor-led local helpline which offers emotional support and information to people in Leeds every night from 6pm-2am on 0808 800 1212. Connect also provides online support through instant chat for people – lslcs.org.uk Connect specialises in working with people at risk of suicide and self-harm and those with complex mental health needs.
  • Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust’s (LYPFT) Single Point of Access (SPA) – if you, or someone you’re worried about, needs urgent care or treatment for a mental health crisis call the SPA on 0800 183 1485 (open 24/7, every day).
  • Anyone whose life is in immediate danger should call 999.

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