8. Summary and next steps

The Healthy Leeds Plan sets out the health and care contribution towards achieving this vision. The plan outlines our five year strategic vision and focuses on equitable access, excellent experience, and optimal outcomes for people living in Leeds, ensuring we get the best value from Leeds public money.

Our Healthy Leeds Plan sets out the contribution of the health and care system towards achieving the vision of our Health and Wellbeing Strategy. This work will be driven through our Leeds Health and Care Partnership, which will work to improve outcomes for the people of Leeds, experience of health and care services and the use of the Leeds pound through our two shared system goals and a focus on the 26% of the population who live in the 10% most deprived areas nationally.

These goals are:

  1. Reduce preventable unplanned care utilisation across health settings; and
  2. Increase early identification and intervention (of both, risk factors and actual physical and mental illness).

To meet these, we will apply an evidence-based, population health approach to drive innovation and deliver person-centred, integrated health and care for the people of Leeds. This will be supported by our city’s capabilities – including digital, estates, workforce, quality improvement and research.

Our initial five areas of focus will evolve over time, as the Leeds Health and Care Partnership draws on these capabilities and in doing so develops increasingly sophisticated methods for identifying need and intervening early to prevent poor outcomes. These will be used to identify future priorities, but for now, our next steps over the first few years of this plan are to bring about positive change within the priority areas identified.

The trajectories and plans in the following appendices summarise our ongoing and continued work to improve the effectiveness, efficiency and impact of health and care services in Leeds and summarise the work already in train to ensure Leeds continues to make progress on national requirements and indicators.


Contents – Explore the Healthy Leeds Plan

  1. Introduction
  2. Our city and vision
  3. Our goals
  4. Population Health infrastructure
  5. Identifying our strategic initiatives
  6. Our plans
  7. Enablers
  8. Summary and next steps
  9. Appendix One: Leeds Operational Plan – Anticipated trajectories
  10. Appendix Two: Leeds Operational Plan Implementation

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