This page includes information and reports that are being used to inform decision-making on healthy adult-related services. We will continue to add and update this page as more information becomes available.
The ICB in Leeds is committed to achieving the best value for taxpayers’ money, and remaining accountable to the public, communities, and patients it serves. In line with this commitment, we are publishing our Quality and Equality Impact Assessments (QEIAs). These assessments describe how proposed changes to services or policies might affect people in Leeds. They also support the ICB in Leeds to identify opportunities to reduce the impact of any changes to services.
We are actively working to publish our Quality and Equality Impact Assessments on this site where possible, and to ensure that these documents meet accessibility and data protection standards. If you are unable to find an impact assessment relating to a specific service change, or require these documents in an alternative format, please contact [email protected]
Linking Leeds – social prescribing service
This Quality and Equality Impact Assessment (QEIA) outlines the proposal to reduce the current funding allocation for the Linking Leeds social prescribing service by 15%. The impact of adjusting the existing contract is considered.
Linking Leeds QEIA (Word document)
Linking Leeds QEIA (634KB)
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