A list of policies for Individual Funding Requests (IFR), correct as of July 2019
You can view a PDF document version of the listed policies on this page using the following document:
Cosmetic surgery and other related procedures
Aesthetic abdominal procedures
Procedures covered:
- Repair of true incisional or ventral hernias.
- Panniculectomy following significant weight loss for males and females
- Abdominoplasty, Panniculectomy and abdominal suction lipectomy for other reasons than significant weight loss
Aesthetic abdominal procedures policy
In order to view PDF documents you will need Adobe PDF ReaderAesthetic breast procedures
Procedures covered:
- Cosmetic Breast Procedure for males and females following significant weight loss
- Breast Implant Removal and Reinsertion
- Breast Augmentation or Reconstructive Surgery
- Reduction Mammoplasty (excluding gynaecomastia)
- Gynaecomastia Surgery
- Inverted nipples
- Mastopexy
Aesthetic breast procedures policy
In order to view PDF documents you will need Adobe PDF ReaderEar, Nose, and Throat (ENT)
Procedures covered:
- Earlobe repair
- Otoplasty (prominent ear correction)
- Septolasty, septorhinoplasty, or rhinoplasty
Ear, nose and throat procedures policy
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Procedures covered:
- Blepharoplasty, ptosis and brow lift
- Congenital ptosis
General cosmetic exceptions and exclusions including benign skin lesions, skin tags, scars, and keloids
Procedures covered:
- Excess skin removal arms and thighs after significant weight loss
- Other skin procedures listed in the policy
General cosmetic exceptions procedures policy
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Procedures covered:
- Labial reduction and cosmetic vaginal procedures
Gynaecology and urology procedures policy
In order to view PDF documents you will need Adobe PDF ReaderLaser treatment
Procedures covered:
- Laser treatable naevi (congenital and late-onset) pre-genetically determined skin tumours at
all skin sites - Abnormal hair growth or hair associated with scarring inflammatory disorders
- Inflammatory or infiltrated dermatoses
- Latrogenic or traumatic tattoos or tattoos associated with allergic reactions to tattoo ink
- Symptomatic viral warts ONLY associated with immunodeficiency states
- Rhinophyma
- Other conditions not routinely commissioned are listed
NHS Leeds CCG commissioning policies
The policies below are listed alphabetically.
Access to fertility, including IVF
Botulinum toxin policy
Children’s commissioning policy
Procedures covered:
- Bobath therapy
- Male circumcision under the age of 18
Children’s commissioning policy
In order to view PDF documents you will need Adobe PDF ReaderComplementary and alternative therapies
Procedures covered:
- Acupuncture guidance
- Spinal manipulation
Complementary and alternative therapies
In order to view PDF documents you will need Adobe PDF ReaderCosmetic policies
Decision support framework
For defining the boundaries between privately funded treatment and entitlement to NHS funding, under a range of circumstances.
Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT)
Procedures covered:
- Ear reconstruction excluding NHS England – responsible commissioning
- Myringotomy and grommets for otitis media with effusion
- Tonsillectomy
Experimental treatment framework
Commissioning framework for continuing funding after the completion of an experimental treatment trial
Experimental treatment framework
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Procedures covered:
- Toric Lens Insertion
- Laser Vitreolysis
- Chalazia
Gastro-intestinal medicine
Procedures covered:
- Psychological therapies for irritable bowel syndrome
- Gastroelectrical stimulation
Gastro-intestinal medicine policy
In order to view PDF documents you will need Adobe PDF ReaderGender dysphoria in adults (outwith NHS England services)
General surgery
Procedures covered:
- Asymptomatic Gallstones removal
- Groin Hernia Repair
- Interventional management of Varicose Veins
- Haemorrhoid Excision
- Anal skin tags
Gynaecology and urology
Procedures covered:
- Dilation and curettage in the management of heavy menstrual bleeding
- Hysterectomy in the management of heavy menstrual bleeding
- Cryopreservation for both men and women where the usual fertility policy does not apply
- Reversal of sterilisation in men
- Reversal of female sterilisation
Gynaecology and urology policy
In order to view PDF documents you will need Adobe PDF ReaderHips, hands, shoulders, knees, and feet
Procedures covered:
- Surgical Management of carpal tunnel syndrome
- Management of Dupuytren’s disease and contracture
- Knee arthroscopy
- Shoulder decompression
- Painful deformed great toe Hallux Valgus Surgery
- Hip resurfacing and simultaneous replacement
- Femoro-acetabular arthroscopic surgery (hip arthroscopy)
- Trigger Finger Surgery
- Surgical removal of Ganglion of wrists and hand
Hips, hands, shoulders, knees, and feet policy
In order to view PDF documents you will need Adobe PDF ReaderInsulin degludec
Insulin pumps and glucose monitors in adults, children, and young people
Procedures covered:
- Insulin pump therapy (without Continuous Glucose Monitoring System)
- Insulin pump therapy with CGMS
- In type 1 diabetes use in line with NG17
- In Children and Young People In type 1 diabetes use in line with NG18
- Ongoing CGMS in patients not on an insulin pump
- In Children and Young People In type 1 diabetes use in line with NG18
- CGMS in pregnancy
- Inability to undertake standard self-monitoring of glucose
- Transition of young adults to the adult services
Insulin pumps and glucose monitors policy
In order to view PDF documents you will need Adobe PDF ReaderLeeds wheelchair policy
Non-NICE non-tariff drugs
Non-NICE non-tariff drugs policy
In order to view PDF documents you will need Adobe PDF ReaderNon-routinely commissioned maternity services
Overarching Individual Funding Request (IFR) policy
Upright MRI scans
Spine and pain and neurological treatments
Procedures covered:
- Exercise
- Manual Therapy
- Psychological Therapy
- Pharmacological Treatment
- Combined physical and psychological programmes
- Radiofrequency denervation
- Treatments specific for sciatica
- Surgical treatments
- Specific guidance not to offer:-
– Acupuncture and Electrotherapy (ultrasound, PENS, and TENS)
– Traction, Orthotics, Belts, and Corsets
– Spinal Injections and disk replacement
– Spinal Fusion - Referral to specialist Headache Service (unchanged)
- Functional Electrical Stimulation for foot of central neurological origin (unchanged)
Spine and pain and neurological treatments policy
In order to view PDF documents you will need Adobe PDF ReaderWig and hair replacement policy
Wig and hair replacement policy
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