Individual funding requests

The Individual Funding Request process is for situations where proposed treatment/drugs are: new, not in existing contracts, expensive or rare.

Individual Funding Requests

We have limited resources, so we need to make sure that we make the best use of our budget so that people living in Leeds can access the healthcare services they need. Each year we identify our priorities and agree a plan for the following year.

The Individual Funding Request (IFR) process is in place for situations where the proposed treatment/drugs are:

  • new;
  • not covered in existing contracts; and
  • expensive or rare.

Decisions on paying for treatments/drugs that are not normally funded are made by one of the three panels listed below.

  • Non Commissioned Activity Panel.
  • Non-NICE, Non–Tariff Drugs (NNNT) Panel. NICE is the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence.
  • Aesthetic (cosmetic) surgery and other related procedures panel.

To view the various policies for an Individual Funding Request please see the downloads section at the bottom of this page. For more information you can view our guide to individual funding requests.

Contact the IFR Panel

Address: Cosmetic exclusion/IFR panel, c/o NHS Leeds CCG, Suites 2-4, Ground Floor, WIRA House, West Park Ring Road, Leeds, LS16 6EB
Telephone: 0113 8435223
Email: [email protected]

Forms for healthcare professionals

A list of Individual Funding Request (IFR) forms to be completed by healthcare professionals only can be accessed here.

Index of IFR policies

You can view an index of all Individual Funding Request policies here.


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