Involving You 2021-2022

A report on involving local people to improve health and care services in Leeds


We are the People’s Voices Partnership (PVP) in Leeds. We are a team of health and care organisations that includes the NHS, Leeds City Council, and the voluntary and community sector (third sector).

Our aim is to put people’s voices at the centre of health and care decision-making in Leeds. We have a focus on hearing the voices of people living with avoidable things that create an unfair difference in their health (health inequalities). We believe that we can only achieve our citywide ambition to improve the health of the poorest, the fastest, by involving all our communities directly in decision making in Leeds.

We believe thinking differently and working together is important and we are committed to working with our colleagues in health and care, our wonderful team of volunteers, and with patients and local people living and working in Leeds.


In health and care, we sometimes use terms or words specific to healthcare, and it is not always possible to leave them out of documents like Involving You.

Using feedback from patients and our volunteers, we have put together a glossary to help explain some of the words we have used. The words explained in the glossary, which is at the end of this page, are highlighted like this in the text.

Welcome to Involving You

From 1 July 2022, I will become the Accountable  Officer for the Leeds Health and Care Partnership. What we do, and our work will continue as part of the West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership. The focus of this new partnership is to make sure that you get the right services, at the right time, with the right people.

As a health and care system, Leeds is no stranger to partnership working. We’ve been doing it for years and have strengthened our relationships with our colleagues across the city, ensuring we are truly focused on putting people at the heart of our decision-making. It means we can work together, with you, to tackle health inequalities and ensure that everyone who needs help can get it.

This year’s Involving You is a focus on that working together, celebrating the work we’re doing as a system and how you can help.

Tim Ryley,
Chief Executive, NHS Leeds CCG

Our involvement work

As a city, it is our priority that nobody is left without a voice, that they can have a say in how they receive
their health care and influence how we develop services in a way that works for them.

When we ask for your support, we use what you tell us to really make a difference. Local people have influenced
the decisions we are making, together with our partner organisations, all the time.

When planning changes to health and care services, the first question we always ask is “what do we already know?”. We don’t want to be sending you surveys or setting up focus groups if we already know the answers to our questions.

That’s why it’s so important we have a strong #TeamLeeds partnership in the city. So, whoever you’re telling about your experiences, we can use that to make improvements and get services right for you. It also means that when we do ask for your support, it is meaningful and done together with the people we need to hear from the most.

Angela Collins
Patient and Public Involvement Lay Person, NHS Leeds CCG

What is Involving You?

Involving You is a look at some of the work that health and care organisations have done between April 2021 and March 2022 to involve local people in shaping services in Leeds.

Involving You is a document that is written for anyone with an interest in our involvement work. This includes patients, members of the public, health and care staff, voluntary sector organisations, service providers, and the local authority (Leeds City Council).

We know that if we are to provide high-quality, safe, and kind services it’s important to understand the needs of local people. We use their feedback to improve our services.

Involving you in Involving You

We have created this document because we want to capture some of the work we’ve been involved with over the last year in one place. It gives us the chance to show that we are truly responsive and that we listen to our patients and the communities in Leeds.

We have worked together to make this document with members of NHS Leeds’ ‘CCG Network’ and our colleagues in the People’s Voices Partnership. Our aim was to create a report that is appealing and accessible to the people of Leeds.

How can you help?

Keep sharing your experiences of health and care services. The more we hear from you, the more we know about what is working well and what needs improving. More details on how you can share feedback can be seen later on in the ‘How can you share your feedback’ section.

Leeds Leeds Leeds!

Leeds is one of the largest cities in the United Kingdom. With around 870,000 people, a strong economy, and great
access to health and care services, Leeds is one of the fastest growing and greenest cities in the UK.

A big city brings with it a diverse population. With a rich history of being a place of refuge, migrant communities from
169 nationalities around the world continue to contribute immensely to the success of the city.

Leeds is a city bursting with life and cultural energy. A vibrant creative community, with award-winning national theatre and dance companies, and a world-class arena, it’s no wonder that ‘Leeds 2023: Let. Culture. Loose’ is going to be a huge
celebration of everything that Leeds is in its ‘Year of Culture’ (find out more at

There’s something for everyone in Leeds, whether you’re seeking out a bargain at the White Rose shopping centre, chowing down on a range of tasty food at Leeds Trinity Kitchen, or taking a step back in time at the Royal Armouries Museum,
you’ll never be stuck for something to do.

Did you know?

  • If you’re from Leeds, you’re known as a ‘Loiner’.
  • Leeds is the birthplace of the fizzy drink.
  • The first Marks and Spencer retail shop was opened in the Kirkgate market.
  • J.R.R. Tolkein (of Lord of the Rings fame) was a professor at the University of Leeds.
  • The Kaiser Chiefs, Soft Cell, Corinne Bailey Rae, Mel B (Scary Spice) and many more bands and artists all hail from Leeds!
  • Leeds Festival is one of the biggest music festivals in the country and has been taking place since 1999.
  • Leeds is obsessed with owls! They’re on the coat of arms and there is an ‘Owl Trail’ that you can follow to discover 25 owls around the city!

Key statistics on Leeds

  • It is expected that over the next 25 years, the number of people living in Leeds will grow by over 15 percent.
  • There is a 10.8-year difference in how long people will live between people in the most and the least deprived areas.
  • Over 206,000 people in Leeds live in areas within the most deprived 10% of neighbourhoods in England. This represents approximately 25% of the population of Leeds.
  • It is estimated that by 2030, the number of people aged over 65 will rise by almost 150,000.
  • There are 104 different languages spoken in Leeds.
  • 90,000 Leeds residents are offline or lacking in basic digital skills.
  • Almost 50% of children in Leeds are classed as ‘inactive’.
  • At least 114,000 people a year in Leeds experience a mental health condition.
  • 14,830 people live with diabetes in Leeds
  • As of January 2022, 192,296 people in Leeds have had COVID-19 since the pandemic began.
  • As of January 2022, over 545,000 people in Leeds have had two COVID-19 vaccinations and over 400,000 have had their COVID-19 booster or third dose.
  • Over the last four years, the number of people in Leeds with learning disabilities has increased by about 5%.
  • 1 in 5 children in Leeds live in poverty, higher than the national average.

You can view these stats as an image here: Key statistics on Leeds image

How can you help?

Health and wellbeing is everyone’s responsibility. The NHS Constitution sets out the rights and responsibilities which
the public, patients, and staff owe to one another to ensure that the NHS operates fairly and effectively

Throughout ‘Involving You’ you will see sections titled ‘How Can You Help?’, which point out the different ways people in Leeds can help the health and care system. We’ve summarised some of those key ‘how can you help’ moments into a handy list below:

You can help us to develop better services by sharing your experiences

Good or bad, we want to hear what you think of our services. Share your story by:

  • Visiting Care Opinion:
  • You can contact an organisation directly, see the ‘how can you share your feedback’ section later on.

To help you be seen in the right place, at the right time by the right healthcare professional you need to use the most appropriate service

The NHS Leeds CCG website details the different options that are available:

Everyone has mental health, and it is important that you make sure to look after yours. It’s as important as your physical health

The Mindwell website has some excellent advice on how to look after your mental wellbeing:

Health services are busy at the moment. A lot of things you might need help with can be done through the NHS app

If you can, download the NHS app to access a range of services:

You can help us by supporting or joining your local Patient Participation Group (PPG), supporting your local practice, and representing your area

Have a look on your GP practice’s website or find out more about PPGs here:

You can support your community and the NHS by using and sharing trusted sources of health information

Find the latest trusted health information about COVID-19 here:

Join our network and find out about the latest opportunities to share your views

You can contact each service you’re interested in directly to find out how you can be kept informed about what they’re up to.


Who we are, what we do, and how we work

Working together

It is the city’s ambition that Leeds will be a healthy and caring city for all ages where people who are the poorest improve their health the fastest. We will succeed in this ambition if we work together in a joined-up way.

Working across the West Yorkshire region

Leeds is a key partner in the West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership ( This partnership is an ‘Integrated Care System’ that works together with NHS organisations, councils, Healthwatch, charities and the community, voluntary, and social enterprise sector (third sector) to improve the health and wellbeing of local people.

Working with our partners across the region, we can organise services better, and plan care in a way that improves people’s health and reduces inequalities between different groups.

Joined-up (integrated) care is about giving people the support they need across local councils, the NHS, and other partners. It removes divisions between hospitals and family doctors, between physical and mental health, and between NHS and council services. In the past, these divisions have meant that too many people experienced broken-up (disjointed) care.


As well as working across West Yorkshire, we need to work with partners in Leeds to improve the health and wellbeing of local people. This approach is often called ‘place-based working’ and is what we mean when we refer to the Leeds Health and Care Partnership. It describes how the health and care organisations will work with providers such as GPs and hospitals as well as third sector services to deliver the Leeds Health and Wellbeing Strategy and meet the needs of people living in Leeds (

Working in this way means we can take a shared responsibility for local resources and population health; working to provide better and more joined up care.

There are lots of local examples of how we are working together ‘at place’ to improve care. One of the main ways is through Local Care Partnerships (LCPs). Local Care Partnerships are groups of GP practices working together with community and mental health services, social care, pharmacies, hospitals, and third sector services in their local areas. This way of working
can create a better choice of proactive, personalised, and more joined-up care for people closer to home.

Putting people at the heart of decision making

Health and care services in Leeds want to provide the best services for the people who need them, whoever that may be. We know we can’t make that happen without speaking with the people who need the services and finding out what works for them, and what doesn’t.

Not only is it the right thing to do, but it is supported in law by the Health and Social Care Act (2012) which outlines that we must involve people in all aspects of decision making about their care, including the receiving, planning, and changing of health and care services.

Although we know the law around health services are expected to change this year, we fully expect that this ‘duty to involve’ will remain as a legal requirement.

Working together to listen to local people

This section introduces various examples of how we are working together with local partners to improve the way we listen, and respond, to local people.

People’s Voices Partnership (PVP)

The Leeds People’s Voices Partnership (PVP) brings together involvement leads from across health and care organisations in Leeds to work together as one team. It was set up by the Leeds Health and Wellbeing Board to help put people’s voices at the centre of health and care decision-making in Leeds.

The partnership is chaired by Healthwatch Leeds and is attended by various community, voluntary & social enterprise sector organisations as well as Leeds City Council, NHS Leeds CCG, and providers such as the Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust.

The PVP has been working on a number of projects over the last year, responding to the feedback of the people of Leeds:

  • Citywide network
    • Most organisations have a mailing list to contact people interested in their work. We know there are lots of people who are on multiple lists and may receive the same information a number of times. We’re creating a single ‘patient and public network’ for Leeds so you can find out about the information you want about health and care in Leeds in a simplified way.
  • Digital inclusion
    • As more services have moved online through the pandemic, we wanted to understand the impact on people who do not use or access digital technology. We worked together to write a digital inclusion report that is informing our work across the city. You can read the report here:
  • A shared hub of insight
    • We have already collected a lot of insight and feedback from when we’ve spoken with you previously. We are currently developing ways to make better use of that insight. This includes a central place where reports and feedback can be shared and found easily to help with future reviews of feedback and services.
  • Website accessibility
    • We are working on tools and principles for Leeds so that health and care websites are accessible for everyone in line with the Accessible Information Standard (

You can read about the work of the PVP on the Healthwatch website here:

Big Leeds Chat

The Big Leeds Chat is a different way of listening to people in Leeds. It brings together the most senior decision makers in health and care, working together as one health and care team, to talk to the people of Leeds about what matters to them. You can read more about the Big Leeds Chat on the Healthwatch website here:

Last year we visited over 40 different locations across Leeds and held over 700 conversations with people about what matters to them. You can see where we’ve visited on an image by clicking this link: Big Leeds Chat locations map


Having strong partnerships in Leeds has been essential over the last couple of years as we work together to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. Health and care organisations in Leeds are working together to meet the needs of local people. You can read about how we developed our response to the pandemic here:

Communities of Interest Network

The Communities of Interest (CoI) Network was established in March 2020 to improve communication between the public sector and third sector organisations that represent communities facing health inequalities. Regular network meetings help us to understand the impact of COVID-19 on communities already facing inequalities, and feedback to NHS partners and the local authority. This helps us shape the communications, funding, and focus of work across the health and care system in Leeds. Find out more:

Co-Production Network

The Leeds Co-Production Network works with partners across the city to develop our approach to co-production in health and care services, making sure the patient is involved at all stages of care and developing services. The Co-Production Network held its annual co-production conference in 2021, held online and in-person, where a week of different activities took place. Over 50 people were involved in the week of events.

How can you share your feedback?

When people tell us their stories, it gives us a valuable look into the quality of their healthcare and their opinion of the service.

We collect experiences from different sources and work together with patients, carers, the wider public and local partners to ensure that the services we fund are responsive to what people need.

Patient experience teams in health and care settings ensure that patient feedback is firmly embedded in all decisions and that it is used to drive improvements for our patients. Third sector organisations also work closely with different  communities in Leeds to bring the feedback to decision makers in the city.

There are several ways we collect this information, including:

  • Our comments, concerns, and compliments process
  • Through our involvement work
  • Issues raised by patient advocates, such as carers, and local elected members
  • Media coverage
  • ‘Friends and Family Test’
  • Online reviews, such as Care Opinion ( and the NHS website (
  • Social media: Facebook, Twitter

Share your views – contact list


It is expected that NHS Leeds CCG will become the Leeds Office of the Integrated Care Board (ICB) from 1 July 2022. You can still get in touch using this same contact information.

Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (LTHT)

Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (LYPFT)

Adult social care – Leeds City Council

Healthwatch Leeds

Voluntary Action Leeds

Forum Central

How can you help?

We want to hear your views to help us improve the services we fund. If you wish to share your experience, please get in touch using the contact details above.

Volunteering opportunities

In Leeds, we truly value the time, energy and commitment our volunteers give to the health and care system. We’ve seen during the pandemic the difference and impact a city full of passionate volunteers can make. Volunteers are involved in a range of activities and projects. Over the past year, this includes:

  • Delivering food and care packages to isolated people
  • Sitting on project steering groups and focus groups
  • Being involved in recording and analysing data
  • Helping people complete surveys and Friends and Family Tests
  • Being ‘community connectors’ in local areas
  • Supporting and attending events
  • Designing and reviewing communication materials
  • Being involved in transcribing and data analysis
  • Sharing experiences of health and care in Leeds
  • Developing and delivering training for patients, the public, and staff
  • Taking part in befriending service users on wards and in the community
  • Providing transportation support
  • Providing ongoing assurance that we are working with the right people in the right ways and being a ‘critical friend’
  • Volunteering at vaccination clinics
  • Sitting on recruitment panels to interview and hire staff members

As a city, we want to make sure that there are volunteering opportunities for everyone. Providing a variety of opportunities for you to get involved means that there should be something for everyone who is interested. Different organisations will provide different opportunities, some more focussed on their own service and some more focussed on volunteering across a specific area, or the whole city.

In this document, you’ll find information on different organisations, including information on what they do and who they work with. This also includes their contact details and if you’d like to find out more or get involved, please get in touch.

Patient Participation Groups (PPGs)

PPGs are patient groups that work with their local GP practice to improve services. Members meet with practice staff regularly to explore patient experience and discuss how improvements can be made for the benefit of all patients and the practice.

PPG network

The PPG network was set up in response to feedback from PPG members that they wanted a forum to share best practice. The network provides support and opportunities to PPGs throughout the city. The PPG Network meets every three months. There have been four PPG Network support group meetings over the last year with 45 PPG members and staff in
attendance. They explored several subjects including:

  • The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Keeping PPGs going during the pandemic
  • Supporting different organisations with their work (such as Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust)
  • Recruitment and restarting PPGs
  • Exploring practice demographics
  • GP access
  • The Integrated Care Board constitution

PPG Emails

The PPG Network’s priorities are decided jointly with members of the network. Something which PPGs have been keen to develop are PPG emails. This would provide each PPG an ‘’ email address that they would be able to use to conduct PPG related business (including contacting interested patients, receiving patient feedback, and setting up social
media accounts to have conversations with their patients).

In November 2021, we launched our ‘PPG Emails Pilot’ where six PPGs trialled setting up and using their email addresses. The feedback will be used to refine the guidance ahead of a citywide rollout in 2022.

How can you help?

Why not join your PPG? They’re always looking for new members and people to help. Just get in touch with your local practice via their website.

Our involvement work

What’s been happening since the last Involving You?

We think it’s important that we let you know how things from previous years are progressing because it can often take longer than a year to demonstrate how we have used people’s feedback to change our services. With that in mind, here are two projects where people’s feedback has helped to develop our work.

Community Mental Health Transformation Programme

We have heard a lot from people about what matters to them about mental health services. They’ve told us:

  • They want to see services more joined-up and working together.
  • That people should get the support they need when they need it.
  • People want services that support their overall health and wellbeing, not just their mental health-related diagnosis.

As part of a three-year piece of work, we will be changing community support for adults and older adults living with moderate to severe mental illness and complex needs. This will include creating joined-up community mental health hubs that will be able to support people in a number of ways when they need it.

To ensure we deliver these changes in the right ways, we are working closely with people with experience of mental health and mental health services. They are being involved in the service design, recruitment processes, involvement planning as well as being a critical friend to ensure that we are working with the right people in the right way. There are currently over 40 people with lived experience of mental health involved in this work.

Youth Charter

We know that young people want to be more involved in their health and care. NHS Leeds CCG has been working with senior leaders, young people, and young people’s organisations in Leeds to co-produce a youth charter on the things that matter most to young people about their health. Following completion of focus groups and surveys, a final Youth Charter for Leeds has been produced. It is going to be signed by senior leaders in the city to demonstrate their commitment to improving the health of young people in Leeds.

Our involvement activities over the last year

We use a variety of methods to involve patients and our local communities including surveys, focus groups and social media.

When we involve people, we collect pieces of information about who a person is to help us know where the gaps are in our understanding of people’s experiences of accessing services.

This means that, with your permission, we collect information related to age, disability, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, religion, and transgender identity in order to see how different groups are impacted by our services. Using this data, we can see who we are hearing from and identify gaps in the diverse communities we want to work with in Leeds. This means we can then make efforts to reach out to those different groups and give them the opportunity to have their say.

Between April 2021 and March 2022:

  • 37,222 people engaged in total
    • 29,409 fed back about getting a COVID-19 vaccination
    • 94 people involved with NHS Leeds CCG’s reader group
    • 72 people supported NHS Leeds CCF’s Patient Participation Group work
    • 53 people involved in other activities or projects
  • 456 meetings, groups and activities were carried out to involve people
  • We heard from:
    • 14,241 females
    • 9612 males
    • 85 transgender people (where the gender is different than the one assumed at birth)
    • 81 non-binary / other people
    • 470 people from the LGBTQIA+ community
    • 2798 people from diverse ethnic communities
    • 3438 people aged over 65
    • 2859 people aged under 25
    • 37 homeless people
    • 2147 carers
    • 1933 people with disabilities
      • 708 people with long-term conditions
      • 248 people with physical disabilities
      • 109 people with hearing impairments
      • 367 people with mental health conditions
      • 112 people with learning disabilities
      • 36 people with visual impairments

Note: this is the information collected when people chose to complete the equality monitoring sections of our surveys. This includes data from NHS Leeds CCG, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (LTHT), Leeds Voices (Voluntary Action Leeds), Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (LYPFT) and Leeds Community Healthcare (LCH). We do not have full equality monitoring data from 23,000 responses to the COVID-19 vaccine experience engagement.

Learning from what you have told us

It’s important that we review feedback from across all our involvement activities so that we can understand common themes. We can use this information to develop our services in the future and avoid having to ask people the same questions. Here are some of the key themes we have identified over the last year.

Positive experiences of healthcare services

What you said:

  • People told us that generally their experience of using healthcare services in Leeds is positive (from National GP Survey, Big Leeds Chat 2021, other feedback through the year).

What are we doing?

  • We are sharing positive feedback and stories with frontline workers. This is really important following a very difficult year for staff

How can you help?

  • Keep sharing your positive stories, and tell us how we can be even better.

Joined-up services and communication

What you said:

  • People told us they want their care to be more joined up and to be communicated with regularly, in a compassionate and accessible way at all stages in their health and care journey.

What are we doing?

How can you help?

  • Share your experience of using health and care services. Find out how to share your experiences in the ‘how can you share feedback’ section (above).

Mental health services

What you said:

  • People told us they want faster access to joined-up mental health services and better information about what mental health support is available.

What are we doing?

How can you help?

  • Let’s talk about mental health and let’s end mental health discrimination. Check out the MindWell website for
    more information on mental health:

GP practices

What you said:

  • People have told us how much they value their GP practice. However, patients have increasingly reported
    more difficulty in accessing their doctor:

What are we doing?

How can you help?

Accessible information

What you said:

  • People told us they want better quality and accessible information about health services, including while they
    wait for treatment.

What are we doing?

  • We have provided a range of information about the COVID-19 vaccine in different formats including videos in 10 different languages:

How can you help?

Accessing services digitally

What you said:

  • People told us that they want the option to be able to access services both digitally and in-person.

What are we doing?

How can you help?

  • Please use digital services if you can. This will free up our staff to work with people who are not able to access care digitally.

Diverse communities

What you said:

  • People reminded us that Leeds is a diverse city and we must support people in all our different communities to access our services.

What are we doing?

How can you help?

  • When you share your views make sure you fill in the equality monitoring section. This helps us understand the needs and preferences of different communities in Leeds.

Green spaces

What you said:

  • People told us that parks and green spaces are important for maintaining your wellbeing and keeping fit.

What are we doing?

  • Leeds City Council’s Parks and Countryside service will plant 50 hectares of woodland a year in Leeds. This is around 225,000 carbon-absorbing trees!

How can you help?

Our Involvement work – April 2021 – March 2022

Our involvement activities

We work with our partners in the city to involve a wide range of people, such as those from diverse ethnic communities, people with learning disabilities and autism, and other people, such as working-age adults and carers. We ensure we are working with diverse communities in Leeds and towards reducing health inequalities in line with the health
inequalities framework (

We support people who may need translation or other formats to be involved (such as British Sign Language, large print, etc.). When we host focus groups, we do our best to go to where people are rather than expecting them to come to us at a location that may be inconvenient.

We’ve learned a lot from the COVID-19 pandemic and have changed our approach to involving people, including conducting online focus groups, surveys, and email options for people who are able to access technology and the internet. We’ve also made sure that people can feedback by post and telephone if they are ‘offline’.

Every activity to involve people is different. We use a variety of approaches depending on the different needs of the service change or the people we need to work with.

Through the next section, you will find examples from some of our partners in the city of the type of involvement work we do. As you can see, there are a lot of different things you can get involved in and support.

If you want to learn more or find out how you can get involved, please get in touch using the contact information provided in each section.

Forum Central

Who are we?

Forum Central is the voice for Leeds’ third sector in health and care. Our vision is for a better quality of life for people in Leeds.

We are a member-based network and work with third sector organisations to link the fantastic work happening across the city with that of other organisations and strategic developments happening in health and social care. We promote and support partnership working across the city and provide information for and about the third sector.

We do this through our specialist networks including: communities of interest, learning disabilities, men’s health, mental health, older people, and physical and sensory impairment. We support the third sector in Leeds in current and developing health and care structures, including Local Care Partnerships (LCPs) and the Leeds Health and Care Partnership.

How do we involve people?

People and communities are always at the heart of our work. The strong relationships between third sector organisations and the communities they work with means our work is always informed by the voices of people in Leeds.

What have we been working on this year?

Through our work, we have brought the voices of people and communities closer to decision makers. Our activities include:

  • Working with partners on the community mental health transformation programme.
  • Coordinating a response to the ‘Health and Disability green paper’.
  • Developing routes to employment for people with a learning disability, based on people’s experiences.
  • Men’s Health Unlocked, a national lottery-funded programme of health and wellbeing needs and activities for men in Leeds, from all backgrounds and at all levels.
  • Working together to deliver the ‘Community Champions’ programme and funding to enable front line organisations to make sure COVID-19 and wider health messages are heard, and that we deliver the Leeds third sector COVID-19 outbreak plan.

You can read more about our work on our website:

How can you get involved with us?

If you are involved with a third sector organisation, please encourage them to join our network and share their knowledge.

An example of our involvement work: Communities of Interest Network (COIN)

  • Period: Ongoing
  • Partners: Forum Central, Healthwatch Leeds, Voluntary Action Leeds, NHS Leeds CCG and Leeds City Council

Brief description

The Communities of Interest Network (COIN) brings the voices of people from 24 different communities experiencing the greatest health inequalities closer to decision-making. It was set up to support communications of COVID-19 and wider health and wellbeing messaging. Constructive conversations with diverse communities of Leeds have provided rich insights.

Who did we speak to?

The network’s broad membership of frontline third sector and public sector organisations represent a diverse range of communities and issues.

“The COI Network gives a continuous snapshot of how inequalities are impacting across the city but importantly how the voluntary, community and social sector can support people.”

What and how did we ask?

We coordinated a range of activities in Leeds’ communities to understand their experiences of the pandemic, including:

  • Virtual sessions
  • Social media, email and one-to-one conversations
  • A grant programme

What did people tell us?

We heard a lot about health inequalities in people’s experiences of the pandemic. People also told us how they want to receive information and what types of support they need. During the COIN meetings, it was identified that autistic people needed better resources and support during the COVID-19 pandemic.

What have we done with the feedback?

We have:

  • Developed a toolkit on COVID-19, and mental health resources for autistic people
  • Delivered autism awareness training for Housing Association staff
  • Worked with the organisation Basis to support autistic sex workers

Find out more:

Healthwatch Leeds

Who are we?

We are here to listen to your experiences of health and care services in Leeds and feed those views and feedback directly into services to help them improve.

How do we involve people?

As an independent organisation, it is our job to be out there listening to your experiences of health and care. We do this in lots of different ways, by going out to groups and communities, by visiting health and care settings, on the phone, online, surveys and more. We strive to listen to all voices, especially those voices least heard, and people facing the greatest health

We also work closely with third sector partners to make sure their intelligence is fed into all levels of the health and care system, locally, regionally, and nationally.

What have we been working on this year?

Our work this year includes:

  • Digital inclusion: making sure remote services are person-centred and are developed to meet every resident’s health and care needs, whether they are online or not.
  • Care homes: providing a way for care home residents’ and their relatives’ voices to be heard during lockdown, to make sure people weren’t isolated from loved ones.
  • Helping care homes and relatives understand myths and facts around care home visiting.
  • Community mental health transformation: building people’s voices into wide-ranging mental health service transformation in Leeds.
  • Check in listening programme: a way of listening to your experiences of things that matter to you such as access to your GP, waiting for treatment, and more.
  • West Yorkshire: Working as a Healthwatch network in West Yorkshire to make sure that people’s voices are heard.

How can you get involved with us?

We need your help to develop services that meet the needs of everyone living in Leeds. You can get involved in our work in lots of different ways all through the year.

For more information about the work we do, you can read our 2020-2021 annual report on our website.

Get in touch and find out more:

An example of our involvement work – How does it feel for me?

  • Period: Ongoing
  • Partners: Healthwatch Leeds, NHS Leeds CCG, Age UK Leeds, Forum Central, Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust, Advonet, Carers Leeds, Leeds City Council, Leeds Teaching Hospital NHS Trust, St Gemma’s Hospice, Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

Brief description of project

Following a look at older people’s experiences of moving in and out of health and care services, we wanted to gain an understanding of people’s journeys moving through various health and care settings as a city. ‘How does it feel for me’  brings together different parts of the health and care system to find where things work well and where they can be improved.

Who did we speak to?

We work with people from culturally diverse communities with lived experience of the health and care system, as a patient or carer, whose health care needs mean that they regularly access services.

What and how did we ask?

We asked people to share their experiences of using health and care services. We worked with people to record a video to share their experiences of health and care services. Visit our website to find out more about the people involved and their videos (

What did people tell us?

We’ve heard about a variety of experiences, but people have consistently told us:

  • How important it is that services communicate clearly and reliably with them, especially at key times such as transitions between organisations.
  • Having a member of staff that people can rely on to keep them up to date on their care
  • Speaking in a jargon-free, plain English way can make a big difference.

What have we done with the feedback?

The ‘How does it feel for me’ videos are being shared at key health boards in the city and beyond to remind decision-makers of the impact person-centered care can make on people’s lives.

How can you help?

If you’d like to get involved in the videos, please contact [email protected]

For more information about the programme, please call 0113 898 0035 or email [email protected]

NHS Leeds Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)

Who are we?

CCGs use the clinical know-how of local doctors and nurses, supported by experienced managers, to commission (plan and fund) healthcare services. This means we can have a real, detailed understanding of the health and social care issues there are in our neighbourhoods, and a genuine opportunity to shape health services at a much more local level as well as across
the city of Leeds.

Our vision is for Leeds to be “a healthy and caring city for all ages, where people who are the poorest improve their health the fastest”.

How do we involve people?

Not only is involving people the right thing to do, but we have a legal responsibility to ensure we:

Involve patients and carers in planning, managing, and making decisions about their own personal care and treatment (care planning). Involve the public in the commissioning process, so that services reflect the needs of the local people.

We involve local people by:

  • Informing them about public engagements or consultations.
  • Reviewing their experiences by looking at what people have already told us.
  • Supporting commissioners to involve patient representatives in the planning of services.
  • Supporting our CCG volunteers to provide assurance on our involvement activities.

What have we been working on this year?

Our work this year includes:

  • Healthy Leeds plan – we held a series of activities to talk to people about the plan that outlines how we will invest our resources over the next five years.
  • System demand – we spoke to people visiting the Emergency Departments (ED) in Leeds to understand the high levels of demand in the health care system.

How can you get involved with us?

There are lots of ways you can get involved in our work at the CCG. To find out more, please email  [email protected], call 0113 221 7777 or visit our website:

From 1 July 2022, NHS Leeds CCG will become the Leeds Office of the Integrated Care Board. Much of what we do will remain the same and you will still be able to get involved and share your experiences.

An example of our involvement work: Help us enhance community mental health support services

  • Period: 25 May 2021 – 10 September 2021
  • Partners: NHS Leeds CCG, Leeds City Council

Brief description of project

NHS Leeds CCG and Leeds City Council (LCC) fund adult mental health support services in the community which third sector organisations provide. We worked with the people of Leeds to review and improve these services.

Who did we speak to?

We spoke with 645 people with lived experience of mental health and mental health services as well as providers of services and their staff, and the public.

What and how did we ask?

We hosted:

  • Six workshops to explore the options for new ways of delivering these support services.
  • Six focus groups for people to feedback on the proposals that were developed during the workshops.
  • Six surveys for feedback on the proposals between July and August. These were available online, in paper, and EasyRead formats.

What did people tell us?

Across the six themes, people were generally supportive of the proposals to enhance mental health support services in Leeds. They told us:

  • They want to see support services work better with NHS and council services.
  • They want easy access to information on what services are available.
  • They want to see us work directly with diverse communities in Leeds.

What are we doing with the feedback?

Find out more:

Leeds Community Healthcare (LCH) NHS Trust

Who are we?

Leeds Community Healthcare provides community healthcare services, working with the whole family, in or close to people’s homes. Our 3,000-strong workforce includes nurses, therapists, pharmacists, and clinical staff – all supported by our corporate head office.

How do we involve people?

  • Surveys
  • Focus groups
  • Patient and carer groups
  • Telling your story to the Trust’s Board
  • Friends and Family Test
  • Compliments, Concerns, and Complaints

What have we been working on this year?

  • Focus groups were held by various services looking at care co-ordination and reviewing service websites to make sure they were accessible and clear.
  • 22 services developed patient and carer surveys in 2021 to listen to the voices of our service users and to help us make improvements to services.
  • Adapting patient information to line up with the Accessible Information Standard from Children and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAHMS), Children’s Continence Service, and the Tuberculosis (TB) Service.
  • Involving a service user on a recruitment panel supporting interviews for a post within the service.

How can you get involved with us?

We want feedback from our patients on how they feel we are performing as a Trust. You can get involved in our work in lots of different ways.

  • You can sign up to become a ‘Friend of LCH’ by emailing the patient experience team on [email protected]
  • Interested in being involved in developing children’s services offered by Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust? You can also join our Youth board if you are aged 24 or under.

For more information contact:

For more information about our work and how to get involved, visit our website here:

An example of our involvement work: Children’s Speech and Language Therapy service focus group

  • Period: September 2021

Brief description of project

The Children’s Speech & Language Therapy team wanted to engage with parents and carers to find out more about:

  • The current care model in the service
  • Do online appointments feel easier to access?
  •  How useful is follow-up support from the service?

Who did we speak to?

We spoke to 12 parents from the Children’s Speech & Language Therapy Service. Eight responded to our invite and seven attended the online focus group.

What did people tell us?

  • Parents told us they want access to support and advice between appointments.
  • If a child is sent back to the service, the wait for an appointment can be lengthy. This is particularly concerning if the child has complex needs.
  • Schools don’t always inform parents of appointments that have been booked during school time.

What have we done with the feedback?

We are working towards the following changes to improve communication and support across the service:

  • We are developing a leaflet for all parents/carers/guardians to introduce our service, explain how we work, what we offer and give clear contact details.
  • Text messages are now sent to parents/carers/guardians when an appointment in school has been booked, notifying them of the date and time their child will be seen.
  • A summary letter is now sent home in children’s book bags following an appointment in school time, outlining the care and support given, any targets, and next steps.
  • The service is also looking at how they can develop and implement a telephone advice service for parents/carers and schools to make contact more easily for any support and advice following or between appointments, reducing the need for additional or unnecessary appointments.

Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (LTHT)

Who are we?

Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust provides patients with access to some of the best care in the country across a wide range of services including:

  • High quality and effective hospital services for our community in Leeds, including two Emergency Departments, outpatients, inpatients, maternity, and older people services.
  • Specialised services for the population of Leeds, Yorkshire, and the Humber, nationally and beyond.

This means that people in Leeds and across Yorkshire have access to some of the best care in the country and benefit from a seamless provision of all services.

How do we involve people?

We are committed to involving our patients and members of the public in ways that are accessible to them. We involve our patients in a variety of activities including:

  • Questionnaires
  • Workshops
  • Patient panels and patient stories
  • Involvement in quality improvement and patient safety projects
  • Supporting training and staff development

What have we been working on this year?

Over the last year, we have involved people in 16 engagements. Our work this year includes:

  • Working with users of the Leeds Fertility Service
  • Hearing from seldom heard local communities about the relocation of stroke rehabilitation services
  • Engaging with D/deaf and Hard of Hearing users of the Hearing and Balance centre

How can you get involved with us?

We need your help to develop services that meet the needs of all the people in Leeds. You can get involved in our work in lots of different ways and we can speak to you about which would best suit you. If you would like to get involved, please contact the Patient, Carer, and Public Involvement (PCPI) team: 0113 206 7077 or e-mail them on [email protected]

For more information about the work we do you can go to our website:

An example of our involvement work: My data matters

  • Period: May – October 2021

Brief description of project

We wanted to understand cancer patient’s opinions concerning a commercial partner and Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust. The commercial partner would collect cancer patient data for the purpose of research.

Who did we speak to?

We spoke with 49 cancer patients and 39 people with learning disabilities. The Leeds People’s Parliament, a forum of people with learning disabilities, supported this work to address the complexities surrounding legal, technical, and ethical considerations.

What and how did we ask?

People were asked to describe their general feelings towards the partnership and then provide examples of what assurances would need to be in place for patients to be more comfortable with the arrangement if they were still unsure. We used a  mixed approach, which included:

  1. Patient education programme sessions: The team attended 11 education sessions including ‘hair loss’ and ‘Pilates’.
  2. Electronic survey: A survey link and QR code were shared within and beyond the Trust.
  3. Easier read documents: A ‘Talking Data’ sheet and ‘My Data’ graphic were produced to support the survey.
  4. Talking Data – Virtual Workshops: A day and evening session enabled participants to further explore themes from the survey questionnaires.

What did people tell us?

The majority of people thought we should work with a commercial partner. Those who were unsure suggested they would agree if the following criteria was met as part of the commercial partner’s contract:

  1. Clear opt out process with a focus on shared decision making
  2. Robust data security measure
  3. Profit reinvested into the NHS and community initiative
  4. Continued engagement

What have we done with the feedback?

  • Patient feedback has informed our Trust’s Board decision making.
  • An accessible summary is being developed as part of the on-going engagement activity.

Voluntary Action Leeds – Leeds Voices

Who are we?

Leeds Voices was commissioned to support NHS Leeds CCG with its involvement activities. The project supported the involvement of citizens and communities in the development of health services in the city by working with third sector organisations (Engaging Voices), Leeds employers (Working Voices) and volunteers (Leeds Health Ambassadors) to extend the reach across the city.

How do we involve people?

Engaging Voices partners use their skills and expertise to enable their service users to participate in focus groups or complete surveys on a variety of service changes and healthcare topics. Working Voices partners provide their employees with opportunities to participate in engagements during working hours. Leeds Health Ambassadors work closely with Leeds
Voices staff to support all aspects of the project.

Leeds Voices specialises in focus group delivery and recently released a toolkit for use by other third sector organisations to utilise and support their own involvement work:

What have we been working on this year?

Over the last year, we have involved 913 people in six engagements. You can read all about these engagements on our webpage (see below). Our work this year includes:

  • COVID-19 vaccination patient experience project
  • COVID-19 vaccine messaging
  • Adult mental health community support services review
  • Leeds community neurological rehabilitation service review

How can you get involved with us?

For more information about the work we do, you can read our Leeds Voices Project Overview document online:

An example of our involvement work: Adult inpatient stroke rehabilitation services at Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust

  • Period: June 2021
  • Partners: Leeds Voices project with the following Engaging Voices partners: Feel Good Factor, Circles of Life, Shantona  Women’s Centre, Hamara Healthy Living Centre, AME Roma, Leeds Refugee Forum, Peaceful Mind, The Stroke Association

Brief description of project

To support the move of adult inpatient stroke rehabilitation from Leeds General Infirmary (LGI) to Chapel Allerton Hospital by working with communities most likely to be affected by a stroke.

Who did we speak to?

We spoke to 116 people, in eight focus groups, from South Asian, Black Caribbean, Black African and Eastern European communities.

What and how did we ask?

The focus groups were shown a video of the new unit and asked a series of questions based on the following information:

  • What barriers people might face getting to Chapel Allerton Hospital
  • What they thought about the local area, it’s features and facilities.
  • What facilities they may need inside the hospital.
  • How the hospital can make their stay as welcoming and comfortable as possible.

What did people tell us?

Overall, participants were positive about the change. The hospital was seen as easier to get to, more welcoming, less stretched and that it had “a lot of potential”.

The communities we spoke to had reported negative experiences with staff where they had experienced “prejudice”, with some staff being “aggressive” when faced with a language barrier.

What have we done with the feedback?

Leeds Voices recommendation was: “… reassurance that staff will behave in a way that respects cultural diversity.” A report was written outlining the findings and giving full recommendations for further actions. This report went to the Scrutiny board and Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (LTHT).

Find out more and read the report:

Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (LYPFT)

Who are we?

Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust is the main provider of mental health and learning disability services in Leeds. We also provide services across York, the Yorkshire, and Humber region, and some highly specialised national  services.

How do we involve people?

We encourage people with lived experience of our services, whether as service users, their relatives, or carers, to get involved in our work in many ways. Due to the pandemic, most of the opportunities and events have had to take place ‘online’, but we hope to be able to change this in the future. People get involved by:

Attending meetings or working groups and discussing a range of topics

  • Co-chairing meetings with staff
  • Completing surveys
  • Joining working groups
  • Making short films and audio recordings

What have we been working on this year?

Over the last year, we have involved people with lived experience in a wide range of projects such as:

  • Recruitment panels for staff in a wide range of roles
  • Using lived experience to inform policies and procedures
  • Being active members of strategic groups that set Trust priorities for service user and carer involvement
  • Increasing the diversity of people involved in our work

How can you get involved with us?

You can help us develop services that meet the diverse needs of people in Leeds in different ways:

For more information about the work we do, you can watch a short animation about our 2020-2021 annual report on  involvement or read our bulletin online:

An example of our involvement work: Creating practice development sessions for LYPFT staff

  • Period: May – October 2021

Brief description of project

We wanted to enhance our staff practice development sessions with the voice of lived experience. We created a range of workshops and films / animations with service users, relatives, and carers.

  • Kickstarter / apprentice induction
    • Staff joining LYPFT via our Kickstarter programme or as apprentices may have little experience of working in a mental health setting. We co-delivered two workshops – one where staff ‘walk in the shoes’ of an inpatient service user, and one raising awareness of the relatives and carers who care for service users and valuing the knowledge they have.
  • Pharmacy Services
    • We developed a workshop and filmed an accompanying video featuring people with lived experience to inform LYPFT’s pharmacy service review of their offer to service users.
  • Observation policy and procedures
    • People contributed to an animation featuring written and audio content sharing what it feels like to be under observation, and what staff can do to make the experience better. We also developed a leaflet for service users and their relatives/carers regarding different levels of observation.

Who did we speak to?

We worked with a diverse group of 20 people with lived experience of mental health services on these projects.

What and how did we ask?

A group of people worked together over a number of sessions per project. We asked people to share their experiences, and then jointly decided what important messages should be shared with staff. We then designed how this information would be delivered.

What did people tell us?

People shared their experiences relevant to each project.

What have we done with the feedback?

We used this experience and feedback about a particular service or policy to produce practice development materials for staff and review these resources regularly.


Communications campaigns are one of the tools we use to involve local people in health service developments, raise
awareness of new services and advice, and support people to make healthy lifestyle choices. These campaigns are informed by the experience and feedback we collect during our involvement activities. This is another way you are helping us support the health and care system in Leeds.

Over the last year, communication campaigns have been seen over 20 million times (based on NHS Leeds CCG data).


  • Period: March 2020 onwards

Working with Leeds City Council, NHS partners, and Public Health, the NHS Leeds CCG played a key role in the city’s
communication plan for COVID-19 and has worked closely with colleagues across the local, regional, and national
healthcare system to communicate up-to-date and accurate information with the public and with health and care partners.

Since the rollout of the vaccine programme, we have also been leading the #TeamLeeds communications approach, linking in with national and regional efforts to increase vaccine confidence, whilst also managing expectations for those eager to get vaccinated.

How did we make people aware of the campaign?

The campaign has been wide-ranging to reach all our Leeds communities and to keep the most vulnerable safe. We’ve used a
variety of ways to help make sure people received the information they need to get their vaccine invitation.

These have included press features, media interviews, printed materials, outdoor advertising, newsletters, new web pages,
videos, and social media, including Facebook Live sessions with experts answering people’s questions. We’ve also made information available in a variety of languages and formats.

Following feedback that some diverse communities wanted to hear directly from trusted leaders from their own communities, we made some short videos involving local medical staff and faith leaders.

What difference did the campaign make?

The campaign has helped ensure that the public and health and care staff have easy access to reliable, consistent, accurate, and up-to-date information about COVID-19 and the vaccination programme. By doing so, we’ve been able to tackle
misinformation and have helped people stay safe and well.

Find out more:

How can you help?

You can support your community and the NHS by using and sharing trusted sources of health information. Find the latest health information about COVID-19 here:

Together We Can

  • Period: November 2021 onwards

This West Yorkshire-wide campaign helped direct people to the health and care they needed, whilst reducing pressures
and protecting our NHS services. The campaign aims to educate people on self-care and protecting others around them,  encouraging them to get the right care, at the right time, by the right health service professional. In Leeds, we also used insight to carry out additional promotion for over 65s and parents of young children.

How did we make people aware of the campaign?

We promoted this campaign in the local press, on social media, and in health services such as GPs, pharmacies,
and the emergency department.

What difference did the campaign make?

The campaign has helped us promote messaging around togetherness and everyone’s responsibility to ‘choose well’ in using the right NHS or health care service.

Find out more:

Leaving a Gap

  • Period: March 2022 onwards

In response to increasing incidents of unacceptable behaviour, we worked with West Yorkshire colleagues to develop an insight-led campaign to tackle abuse of NHS primary care staff across the region.

How did we make people aware of the campaign?

The campaign has been promoted via the press and social media, including videos and images. Leaflets and posters for
practices have been created as well as text for their websites and an audio recording is being added to GP practice phone

What difference did the campaign make?

The campaign has reinforced our support for our NHS colleagues during a stressful, demanding, and difficult time during the pandemic.

Find out more:

Mindmate – Young people’s winter mental health

  • Period: December 2021 – January 2022

The campaign was created to raise awareness of the crisis support available for young people in Leeds over the Christmas and New Year period, which can be particularly challenging for young people.

How did we make people aware of the campaign?

We worked with an agency to create social media posts with a series of animations and images.

What difference did the campaign make?

The campaign directed young people to a page on the Mindmate website that lists local mental health support services and who can offer face-to-face support, via phone or online chat.

Find out more:

Over 60s #takecareleeds

  • Period: December 2021 – January 2022
  • Partners: NHS Leeds CCG, Leeds City Council, AGE UK, Leeds Older People’s Forum (LOPF)

To support people aged 60 and above to live healthily and keep mentally well during local COVID-19 restrictions, the
NHS in Leeds, alongside Leeds City Council and community and voluntary sector organisations, came together to share and promote a programme of positive messages over the winter season. This included messages that encouraged people to stay connected safely to reduce the risk of social isolation.

How did we make people aware of the campaign?

We engaged with older people to share their lockdown stories. We worked with organisations including the Leeds Older People’s Forum, AGE UK Leeds, and Neighbourhood Networks to work with older people and hear their concerns. A range of offline and online media was also available alongside a prominent feature in the Yorkshire Evening Post.

What difference did the campaign make?

The campaign helped older people stay connected during a time when social interactions were limited, get advice and tips on staying well, and know where to get help and support.

Find out more:

Seriously Resistant

  • Period: November 2021

Our Seriously Resistant campaign, now in its sixth year, aims to raise awareness of antibiotic resistance and help people
understand what they can do to tackle this global health threat. Prior to the launch of the latest campaign in spring 2022,
we used it to support World Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Awareness Week during November. We are now developing
the campaign so it can be shared across West Yorkshire.

How did we make people aware of the campaign?

Press coverage, social media, and articles in partner organisations’ newsletters helped raise awareness of the threat that AMR continues to pose to our health, and civic buildings in the city were lit up blue. A blog about the campaign was shared with pharmacy colleagues across the region. Infection protection and control colleagues from Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust also took the message out to local supermarkets, and buses running across the city continue to carry Seriously adverts.

What difference did the campaign make?

We now have more than 24,000 pledges of support for the campaign. Recent insight with Leeds residents shows good levels of awareness and understanding of key campaign messages.

Find out more:


We use a lot of abbreviations and terms that sometimes need a bit more explaining in the health and care system. We’ve put together this glossary to help you find your way around this document. All the words from the glossary are highlighted in the document so you can always come back and check them should you need to.

Accessible Information Standard (AIS)

The standard sets out an approach to identify, flag, share and meet the communication support needs of patients, service users, carers, and parents with a disability, impairment, or sensory loss. Since 1 August 2016, all organisations that provide NHS care and / or publicly funded adult social care are legally required to follow the Accessible Information Standard. Read more about the AIS here:

Care Opinion

Care Opinion is a website where you can share your experience of health or care services, and help make them better for everyone:


Commissioning is the process of looking at needs, planning, prioritising, buying, and monitoring health services, to get the best health results.

Community champions

Community champions are volunteers who live or work in Leeds that support their friends, family, neighbours, and community to have the information about COVID-19 and the vaccine which will help them feel supported, make informed choices and stay safe.


Co-production is when you as an individual influence the support and services you receive, or when groups of people get together to influence the way that services are designed, commissioned, and delivered. This is done equally with whoever you are working with.


The term D/deaf is used to describe people who are ‘Deaf’ (sign language users) and ‘deaf’ (who are hard of hearing who may have English as their first language and may lipread and/or use hearing aids).

Digital inclusion

Digital inclusion is a broader term for a number of things relating to people’s access to the internet and digital devices. It includes areas such as ‘digital skills’, ‘connectivity’, and ‘accessibility:

Diverse communities

This term refers to the broad range of people and communities living in Leeds, including people with a disability or a mental health condition, and people from various faiths, backgrounds, and ethnicities who are sometimes under-represented when it comes to having a say about local health services.

Emergency Departments (ED)

The Emergency Departments (formerly Accident and Emergency, A&E) care for patients with serious emergencies and life-threatening illnesses. There is a department at both Leeds General Infirmary (LGI) and St. James Hospital (Jimmy’s).

Friends and Family Test

The NHS Friends and Family Test (FFT) was created to help service providers and commissioners understand whether patients are happy with the service provided, or where improvements are needed. It’s a quick and anonymous way to give your views after receiving NHS care or treatment.

Health and Disability green paper

Often, when a government department is considering introducing a new law, it will put together a discussion document called a ‘green paper’. The health and disability green paper considered options for addressing some of the short-to medium-term issues in health and disability benefits:

Health inequalities

The gap between the health of different groups such as the wealthy compared to poorer communities or people with different ethnic backgrounds.

Health and Social Care Act 2012

The Health and Social Care Act 2012 sets out specific obligations for the health system and its relationship with care and support services.

Leeds Health and Care Partnership (HCP)

The Leeds HCP is the way the health and care organisations in Leeds will work with providers such as GPs and hospitals and third sector services to deliver the Leeds Health and Wellbeing Strategy and meet the needs of people living in Leeds. The Leeds HCP is part of the West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership.

Integrated Care Systems (ICSs)

Integrated care systems are new partnerships between the organisations that meet health and care needs across an area, coordinate services, and plan in a way that improves people’s health and reduces inequalities between different groups.

Leeds Health and Wellbeing Board

A group of senior representatives from organisations across Leeds, including Leeds City Council, the NHS, the community sector, and Healthwatch, who represents views of the public. The board exists to improve the health and wellbeing of people in Leeds and to join up health and care services.

Leeds Health and Wellbeing Strategy

The Leeds Health and Wellbeing strategy is the five-year strategy to show how Leeds will be a healthy and caring city for all ages, where people who are the poorest improve their health the fastest:

 Local Care Partnerships (LCPs)

Local Care Partnerships are groups of GP practices working together with community, mental health, social care, pharmacy, hospital, and third sector services in their local areas.


Organisations host ‘networks’ of patients and members of the public who have signed up to find out more information about the work they do. The organisations communicate with their networks about opportunities to get involved and provide updates.

Patient and public involvement lay person

The lay member helps ensure that local people’s voices are heard in NHS Leeds CCG’s work and that opportunities to get people involved in co-design are created and protected for patients and the public.

Patient Participation Group (PPG)

A patient participation group (PPG) is a group of patients who support their GP practice to improve the experience of registered patients.

Scrutiny board

Scrutiny boards provide challenge and support to decision-makers. The boards are made up of elected councillors. Senior councillors, council staff, and NHS staff attend to influence decision making by making public recommendations based on the evidence gathered and how services can be improved for the people of Leeds.

Third sector

The third sector, referring to community, voluntary & social enterprise sector organisations, in Leeds is huge and incredibly diverse and covers everything from neighbourhood watch groups to social enterprises to national and international charities and everything in between.

West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership

The West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership is an ‘Integrated Care System’. It works in partnership with NHS orgnansiations, councils, Healthwatch, charities, and the third sector to improve the health and wellbeing of local people living in Bradford, Calderdale, Kirklees, Leeds, and Wakefield.


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