Communities Of Interest Network (COIN)

What is COIN

The Communities of Interest Network (COIN) raises the voices of people who work with communities that face health inequalities.

COIN aims to encourages third-sector leaders to highlight the needs and challenges faced by groups and communities experiencing the greatest inequalities, with a focus on health and wellbeing. It does this by promoting a two-way communication and joint working between the Public Sector and Third Sector organisations that represent these communities. COIN is run as a partnership between Healthwatch Leeds and Forum Central and as part of the work of the People’s Voices Partnership (PVP) and Leeds Health and Care Partnership.

COIN’s aims are to: 

  • Encourage peer support and information sharing between members.
  • Collecting insight through bi-monthly COIN meetings, one-to-one meetings with members and focus groups for specific projects.
  • Feeding back what we hear from organisations into the Leeds Health and Care system.
  • Identifying and raising awareness of risks to Third Sector organisations and services and the effect this has on their ability to work with Communities of Interest. Whilst highlighting health inequalities and feed this into the Leeds Health and Care system.

How can you join COIN

You can join the COIN network by emailing [email protected].

You can view recordings from pervious meetings on the website Communities of Interest – Forum Central

If you would like to share any experiences or knowledge of a community group you work with, you can do this by completing a from through the Forum Central, Communities of interest network page Share Your Knowledge – Forum Central

What has been done to date


Evaluation-COMING SOON

You said, we are doing -COMING SOON

Find out more about COIN please email [email protected] or you can call their office on 0113 242 1321  Or visit their website  Communities of Interest – Forum Central

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